Swap – Feb themed ATC

A monthly series with a flower and a gem… this month it had to be violet or primrose and amethyst.. Having a hard time with these…as I have no idea to do it much different than drawing the flower and color it in the color of the gemstone…

Lifebook – week 3: the person I know best


“Sometimes someone isn’t ready to see the bright side. Sometimes they need to sit with the shadow first. So sit with them. Make the darkness beautiful.” Victoria Erickson

Week 3 is a self portrait lesson from Misty Mawn. Very challenging in creative skills and more… I decided to work with this picture of me when I was about 8 years old I think. There’s a whole lot in this picture that brings up stuff… the place where I am sitting, the pyjamas I am wearing, the bunny and most important the time in my life… This picture intrigues me and is one of the few pictures of myself that I like…  It took me a long time to get it started and I put it away for a few days before adding the flower… it is supposed to be done in acrylics but I am just not ready…. will let it be for a few days and see…